Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 16 or something like that

So here I am, week 3 of my Spanish education. It´s about 40-50s during the day and in the 30s at night. This weekend was the usual - Spanish speaking weekend, Snow trekking, zip lining in the Andes, Rock climbing... you know the usual...

I went ahead and embedded the videos in this blog, I hope they work. If not, click the text link above them. Also, the pictures link to a larger image, so you can see it better. So on to the news...

When we arrived on Saturday we got to the hotel and grabbed our snow shoes then headed out to the hike. If was really quite beautiful out at Aconcagua National Park.

However I do not think anyone of us thought it was going to be as hard as it was to walk in the snow. They told us about a foot of snow should have fallen, no, it was a meter of snow...

Every step I took I sunk down to my really sucked, defiantly was not my favorite activity, I think I am gonna count this as one of my 10K´s only because I was much more tired after doing this than I was after I did my last 10K.

Snow Video

After the trek we went to Puenta de Inca, a natural stone bridge and Inca runes. It was a very quick trip there, did not spend much time there, just enough to take pictures. We then hopped back on the bus and made our way back to the hotel for dinner and a night´s rest.

On Sunday we went rock climbing, repelling & zip lining in the Andes mountains. I however I did not do the rock climb, and I have no pictures of the repelling. So only proof I have is the zip line, which was the coolest anyway.

Rock Climbing Area Video

Take a look at my zip line video below. I caution you though, if you just ate, then don´t view it, wait till later ;) Also I scream like a little girl in the video, namely because I am scared of "high heights" or as a friend told me "it´s not that your scared of heights, you are scared of falling" so yeah, whatever I am scared of falling off... There was a ladder with a safety rope that you had to climb up in order to get to the platform above (my guess is 60-70 feet above the ground). Thinking back, the ladder was the scariest part, because there were rails that were a bit worn, so they were slippery, also the ladder was not straight up & down, it leaned against the face of the rock. Once I got to the platform and the guy attached me to the zip line, I looked down & flipped, I thought I can´t do this, then closed my eyes and jumped from the ladder. :P

Zip Line Video

After we did all that, we hiked out to a road so that a bus could take us back to the hotel, and then we packed up and headed back to Mendoza.

By the way these are not the only recent videos I have posted, there are more on my videos page!

That´s all for now, tuned in...

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