Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Book Update
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The America Experience
For the past month now I have had problems...things that trip me up from time to time.
Here are a few examples:
I saw a building way down the end of the road today and I thought to myself 'that building is in the wrong place' and visualized where it "should have" been. The image imagined was a similar building in Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina. It was strange to catch myself.
I was sitting on my friend's couch and we were talking about food and I started talking about Mendocinian beef and I said "Hey I know of a good place to go eat" I again visualized the place in Mendoza, caught myself and finished saying "Rosa's, which is a little Mexican chain restaurant here in Waco. What a let down.
One morning I woke up planning my day as I had so many times before in Mendoza (literally I visualized my schedule every morning)...I would go to the city and walk around the plazas and the shops. Of course I would then catch myself thinking that would be one heck of a day trip...
Another day I had a major chocolate craving and I thought to myslef that I would go to a 'local place' on Las Heras, visualizaing it the entire time..which always ends up the same...the realization that I am not there anymore.
Sometimes it gets really annoying to me and upsets me. It's weird the upset feeling is part annoyance that I can't things staraight (Ironic huh?) and other part "homesicking," like I want to return...
I am not sure why this is happening to me, was it because it was my first time abroad? Was it because I had such an amazing time ther? Was it becuase I had (and still do) such an amazing family there? Was it becuase I learned so much? Was it because the amount of time I was there? Or was it a combination of it all?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
As for the other book I am working on (Lost en Argentina), I am slowing moving through it. I am have been extremely busy with class that I am have had very little free time, and what free time I have, I just want to relax and dream that I was back in Mendoza...
I will send out an update soon (newsletter).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Photos, Videos, & Blogs Oh My!
Below you will find that a panorama I have created. This was from the Coast of Puerto Madryn in Argentina.
Panorama of Puerto Madryn, Argentina on CleVR.com
I have uploaded hundreds or photos, and still have hundreds to go, there are also a pelethera of videos that have been uploaded. I am also working on a newsletter rounding up my expirience in Argentina!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Now, in Texas
Victoria late last night. I woke up today sick, so I suppose I am just
allergic to Texas, and need to return to Argentina. Who knows, but it's
nice to back, however, I would have rather stayed in Argentina longer.
I have been greeting everybody in Spanish here as it is a natural
reaction for me, to reply in Spanish language. these are my reaction
phrases(in English):
- Hello
- How are you
- Bye
- See you later
- Nice to meet you
- I am doing well
- Thank you
- Thank you very much
- big
- small
- I don't know
- I know
- No Yes
There may be more, I am just not as aware of them. I ordered a Subway
today an when asked what I wanted on it, I pointed to each item saying
it in Spanish, after I got a stupid look from the guy and realized my
mistake, I apologized (in Spanish) then apologized in English again,
and then repeated my order....ah Argentina...
Stay tuned here or my blog
as I am working a photo book highlighting the places and the things
that I experienced. I am also working on a textual book of my
experience. So look to my blog to see updates about my Argentina expirience.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Begining of the end
Today I went to the zoo with my friends.
I was supposed to go on my special adventure (which, this is the 4th time I have tried to do it,) but the weather was not sufficient. So it basically looks like I will not be able to do it. My special event was to go Parapente (Paragliding) but the first time I made it up there, they did not have the right size harness, so I was not able to do the jump. The other 3 times the weather has been bad. I still have an album on all my pictures I took of others while I was up there that day and many videos (which can be found on the photo & video sites). So there you have it, my special adventure has been foiled. However, I start an "new" adventure tomorrow, when I travel solo to Puerto Madryn.
Tomorrow I get on a bus to travel to the Patagonia region of Argentina. I am going to visit Puerto Madryn & Valdez peninsula. The whales are down there right now so I am very excited about what I will be doing there. The bus ride is about 24 hours one way, so I am definitely going to be ready to get off the bus once I get there. I arrive there on the 4th at 9:30 am and I leave there 7th at about 11:30am, returning to Mendoza about the same time on the 8th. I basically have a little over 24 hours to spend in Mendoza, until the 9th, from which I fly out of Mendoza and leave Argentina at 6:30pm.
So this is the beginning of the end of my blog for Argentina. I however have decided to put a book together of all the things I have learned while being here, so even after I return to the states, I will have to upload the rest of the photos and videos and finish putting the book together (I have already started.) So stay tuned as I travel to Puerto Madryn.
P.S. I am currently uploading the pictures for the zoo today, so some of them are up, but not all...at least for now. :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Speech for My Oral Exam
Durante estos tres meses, yo viaje por Argentina. Desde Mendoza a Uspallata a Parque Nacional Aconcauqua a Buenos Aires.
He estado en Mendoza por 3 meses. He comprarado a Mendoza con todos las ciudades que he visitado.
Visité Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires es una ciudad muy grande y ruidosa y la gente en Buenos Aires no estan amistosa como en Mendoza.
Su discurso es diferente que Mendocinos. Allí ¨"sh" en vez de "j" acá, por ejemplo "llama" (shamo) allí y "llamo" (sjamo) acá.
Despues tres días allí, yo quería regresar a Mendoza. Para mi parace como se fuera "casa" o extrañaba Mendoza.
Durante mi viaje a Buenos Aires tuve expiriances interesantes, por ejemplo visite La Boca. Fue a negocio para turistas. Quise decir a una chica. "Busco remeras para mis sobrinas y sobrino." Pero dihe "Busco remeras para mis novias y novio." La chica trajo una remera mas grande que para niños. Luego me di cuenta del error y me disculpé y dije: "Lo siento es para mis sobrinos, no novios." Y ella rió. Entonces yo compré las remeras y me fuí apurado.
En Buenos Aires hay siempre algo interesante para ver. Me gusta Buenos Aires pero poco tiempo.
Cuando regrese a Estados Unidos, creo que tendré un choque cultural pero tengo mas fotos que me recoraran mi familia y amigos de Mendoza.
Mismo Jorge Luis Borjes dijó:
"Vivo en Estados Unidos pero mi corazon está en Argentina."
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Plans Might Change
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Beginning of the End
I am in the final stages of preparing my final week in Argentina and where I will be traveling. After spending long (really long) hours at the travel agency, I have finally decide on my destination....Puerto Iguazú and Iguazu Waterfalls! The bus ride is going to be excruciating....34 hours on a bus, I am not sure how I am going to deal with it. I hope to completely square away my bus plans tomorrow. But I think I will be in the nicest seat possible offered for the trip...hopefully. I have looked into staying at a hostel while I am in Puerto Iguazú and it looks like its only going to cost me no more than $15 USD per night!
On a completly different note, I have been uploading pictures rrecently. If you visit the photos, you will notice that some of them have "- C" after the album name, this means that the album is complete and that no more pictures will be added to the site.
More updates to come, stay tuned in...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Plaza Independecia in Uruguay
)))Edited 7-22-08(((
I realized I put the wrong panorama here, so I have updated it, this image is 365º (you´ll see the accidental duplication...) Also to view the panorama, use the magnifying glasses in the corner of the panorama window to zoom in & out. Also Click and drag with your mouse on the picture to rotate the image.)))(((
If you haven´t seen any of my panoramas, here is one for your viewing pleasure. You´ll notice the horizon is not straight in the photo, the computer I use is to slow to handle the editing program to do that, so for now, this is how it will have to be. Also look for "short bus"...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My last day of class is the first of August, and soon after that I will travel to either Perito Moreno or Peninsula Valdéz (area) for a few days.
After which I´ll return to Mendoza, and ultimally return to the states.
Recently I have not been doing a lot (other than school that is). I am hoping to do a wine tour this weekend. Every Monday the local english vine magazine hosts a wine tasting at a resturant called The Vines. Everybody that is there puts $90 (U$D 30) in the pot and they buy the tiop shelf wines, and nobody leaves until everything is gone. So I am thinking about doing that this monday or the next.
On Julio 9th, it was Argentina´s Independence Day, and I went with my host mother´s sister to some of the event. Before we got there, we had to stop to get gas. What intrigued me (and why I am writting about this) is that the gas system is quite a bit different here. If you ever come here, you may notice that some of the cars have yellow tanks in them or in the back of trucks, these are their gas tanks. And I mean gas, like as in not liquid. Many of the cars have been "upgraded" to this (as there is also the liquid version here). I was told that it was a little less than half the price of the liquid gas. So anyway that is a little more for you to read about concerning Mendocinos.
I haven´t really uploaded that manypictures nor videos recently, but I may have the chance to do dome tonight. It really slows down the internet when you upload them, and frankly, it is just tiring after ahwile. (not a joke, files are huge!)
I have been wanting to mention a group of friends from Baylor (now somewhere in Canada), that started the Alive Campaign. It is an organization that was created in order to bring awareness to suicide prevention. They told a friend that there was more to life, like riding on their bikes from Waco, Texas to Ancourage, Alaska...and that´s exactly what they are doing...biking something like 9000 miles this summer. Take a look at their website here to see more info about them. Their blog is very intresting and can be found here as well.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Changing my blog look
If you check my blog regularly you may have noticed that I used to change the picture at the top of this blog every so often. Well I have been searching for a cool looking template to use, and well I have it down to 5. One of them is displayed currently. I however am leaning toward number 1. or 2 or 4. You chose...either comment here, e-mail me, sign my guest book and tell me, whatever, just tell me which number you like. So here they are:
Preview it here!
For this one, it would have an Argentina picture or some sort at the top.
This one as well would have the picture changed.
Do let me know what you think!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Solo in Buenos Aires
When I go solo anywhere, I tend to review and write everything down, so here it is:
From my Journal on July 1st 2008:
Today I took the subway from our hotel down to the stop on Florida street. I then walked around a bit until I arrived at Pacifico Gallerias (corner of Florida & Córdoba).
I mainly came to the Gallerias to find some friends that were in one of the Gallerias. I however, was in the wrong place, as they were not there. I decided to have lunch there as well. I ate at a place called the "Tea Gallery" to have a baguette de pollo (Chicken baguette) & a Coca Lite.
(Here they call Coke-a-Cola, Coca. And Coca Lite is Diet Coke-a-Cola. If you say I want a coke, you are meaning something entirely different if you get my drift...) The baguette had tomato, lettuce, chicken, and mayo. I thought the sandwich was a bit dry and coka lite was expensive for the price. The baguette was $19.95 and the Coca Lite was $7.50. The place itself is open & sit down. It sits on the second floor of the Galleria and you are able to see many parts of the Galleria.
Since it is sit down, there was a waitress that served me (like in most places, there are very few places to get something to eat where there isn´t a tip involved...)
Food - 3/5
Service - 2.5/5 it was hard to get my waitresses attention.
Price - 3/5
Overall 3/5
Total $27 + $2.70 tip
After lunch I headed to level 0 (what we call the first floor in the states is seen at floor 0 here. And what we would call the 2nd floor is seen as the 1st floor.) Floor 0 (zero) contained some stores but was mostly a food court. I spotted a Sony Style store and made my in. I found a Sony FX1 Camera on display, I had a bit fun playing with this camera quite a bit. After the store, I got some ice cream at Freddo (only found in B.A.)
There ice cream is very good and worth a try if you find one. After eating the ice cream I left the shopping area and took the subway to Independence & Lima(?) Then took a Taxi from there to La Boca (a suburb of B.A.)
I went into one of the shops with the intention of buying some gifts for my nieces and nephew. I told the lady that I was looking for a shirt for my "novias & novio"... The lady immediately went over and got a large shirt, it is then when I realized my mistake, I apologized and corrected myself and asked for shirts for my three sobrinos. Whoops... After feeling stupid and quite embarrassed, I left with some gifts and headed to a store that sold leather goods across the street. I ended up speaking with the owner for a little over 30 minutes about why I was in Buenos Aires. When I told her that I was studying Spanish in Mendoza, she first told me that I was crazy coming all the way over here to learn Spanish. And she asked why I needed to learn Spanish & that English was the universal worldwide language and that English was the only language I needed to know. I wondered to myself - then how were people supposed to by her products if the couldn´t communicate to her in her language...
Anyway, I proceeded to say (intended to say) - Thanks. I need to return to my hotel. Nice to meet you. Bye. What I ended up saying was "Gracias. Yo nesecito regresar a mi hotel. Me gusta. Chau." Which means - Thanks. I need to return to my hotel. I like you. Chau.
I realized my mistake after she laughed and said jokingly your too young for me but thanks. I literally wanted to just walk out. But I restated the part that needed to be corrected, then left quite quickly...
I returned to the hotel via Taxi, since I had not had Lunch, and I still had several hours before dinner, I decided to pick up a hamburger at the Burger King next door to our hotel, yes Burger King is here too. Their Classic burger cost me $15.50! I was starting to think that that Chicken sub I had earlier was worth it! (I guess it is somewhat the same price as it is in the States or a little more. Divide by the current exchange rate and it is about U$S 4.50.)
Shortly after inhaling my burger, some friends that would be leaving that night, invited me to go have a drink with them at a nearby restaurant. The restaurant is called BRICK, which sits on the corner of Corrientes & some other street i can´t remember . We found the menu to be quite hilarious! It looked like they typed their menu into one of those internet translators and hit "translate" then copied that onto their menu. The video above is from the restaurant as are the following pictures. There is a whole album on my pictures website in the Buenos Aires folder. The first few are my favorites. But here is my absolute favorite foto:
The Remaining 7 of us decided to go to a steak restaurant. I had a steak. I had yet to have a good piece of meat in B.A. The steak was cooked perfectly. I went to bed one happy camper.
P.S. Here is a panorama I stitched together today from Uruguay, sorry it´s not that wide, I think I would´ve crashed the computer if I had tried. Download the picture to see it better.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Today we went to Uruguay. I had to wake up at 6am to be at the boat station by 7am. Julie & I made it throughcustoms within 10 minutes. Then we boarded the boat. Do realize we crossed a river and not another body of water. The river at this point is the widdest in the world. The river is called Río de la Plata, which is Spanish for Silver River. The seat oin the boat were not all that fun... They were really just airplane seats, but at least the ferry was not full that day, so we had one seat inbetween us. Sleeping on the "water bus" was not exaclyt easy, the lights were very brigh, so I guess having a sleeping blindfold you have helped greatly.
We disembarked after a 3 hour ride (about 11am now) and went throughcustoms and immagration fairly quickly. In the process we also met a guy that was from Illonois.
(Their mainstreetis 18 de Julio, which is when they signed their Constitution.) We then stopped at a giftshop which everything was in U$S dollars, which was quite annoying, as there wasn´t anyone on our tour with US money, it was however very expensive to buy anything there unless you were from Europe. So nothanks, didn´t buy anything there...) We then all hopped back on the bus and headed back to the boat port. At the resturant our meal was included, but drinks were not, by the time we got done, our bill was at $270 pesos....Uruguayan pesos that is... The conversion from Argentina Pesos to Uruguayan pesos was $1 Arg. to $5.8 Urug. Pesos. Everythin was jutified though because, ice cream ranged from $26 - 86 Urag. Pesos. For our actual Lunch, we bothe had Potato Salad and Turkey Breast slices for an appertizer. This turkey breast was the first turkey I have tasted since being abroad! It tasted wonderful to me! We also had Media o Media, a typical uruguayan drink, which is like half Champagne and half white Wine. It had a very buttery taste to it, with a very strong Dulce de Leche after taste, overall very different and worth it to try. For our main plate, we bothe had Spinach Ravioli with "Alfred Sauce" at least that was what the English translation said... For dessert I had Misini? not sure of the spelling. It was very good, it had a thick light tasting whipped cream layer with that thin cake bread on top and bottom (I talked about this in an earlier blog). Then on the very top was some tye of very sweet marlamade. Overall, very good. After Lunch we boarded the bus again and continued our tour. At one point I fell asleep and Julie took over taking the pictures. We at point stopped at the highest point in Uruguay which is 516 meters and has a maritime museum on top of it (we didn´t have time to go in it) There were also cannons that we took pictures with.
After we left the hill, we headed to a shopping area. I exchanged 50 Argentia Pesos for Uruguyan money. We got some ice cream and I bought a beanie (the hat that keeps your head warm). After about and hour there, we got back on the bus to take us to the port to catch our boat. During the day Julie took at least half (really more than half) of the pictures, so there are A LOT of good pictures!
Our "water bus" left at 7:15pm, and we arrived in Bs. As. at about 11:15pm, everything went smoothly until we needed a taxi. All the taxis were charging $30 pesos from the terminal, it should have only cost $10 pesos...
Pardon my spelling errors...
Monday, June 30, 2008
Days 2 & 3 in BA
Sunday was a free day. I took the Subway and a train out to San Isidro, which is a suburb of Buenos Aires (B.A. or Bs.As.) and had a large market going on in their central plaza. After returning to the city, we went to the Recoleta, which is where a HUGE market is on Sundays. Artists of all natures gather and sell their products.
Today we had another tour and was by boat after the boat trip we took a train to San Isidroa and were there a bit before returning to our hotel. I have not had much time to upload pictures, but I will soon enough. This weekend is the weekend before I start my second set of classes, so I have nothing planned and in which I will probably spend the days uploading pictures and videos (I have lots of videos too).
Today I went with a friend to make travel planes! I am going to Uruguay!
I will be taking a boat from BA to Montevideo, Uruguay, which should take about 3 hours and we leave Wed. morning at 8am and return about 10:30pm that same day. (oo, bad grammer, my old english teacher would kill me...) We have lunch scheduled and a 2hr city tour.
Hopefully I will have a bit more time tp write and post pictures tomarrow.
Stay tuned...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
First day in Buenos Aires
I thought I did poorly on my exams, but came out with an 80 of the written and a 100 on the oral, so my final grade overall grade was a 93. So it was a great way to start the weekend :)
I cannot post videos or pictures yet, as these computers do not have USB ports on them.There are about 8 pèople that are staying to take more classes.
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I am done for the first half of the summer, I will get my grade on Friday, hopefully it will be good :) ...
Fader Museum Pictures have been uploaded in it respective library.
This past Saturday we went to a National Park near Cerro Arco and did a hike there.
It was very foggy and as we climbed in altitude...
well it was just cloudy...
(Our tour guide making Mate)
After the hike we had lunch at a resturant at the foot of Cerro Arco, then us Baylor students went Cacheuta Spa. We spent the night there. On Sunday I went walking around (take a look at the videos on the video page)
Monday, June 23, 2008
More Pictures Are Up
See if you can determine which ones are which. I will eventually label them in the album.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Vino Tinto y Museo Casa de Fader
The name of the winery was Luigi Bosca Winery, it has been a family rum business since 1820.
I also boght a bottle of wine (yes mum & dad, to celebrate my completion of the exahusting studing I am doing here...)
We also visisted the Fader Museum, which contains several painting by Fader within his house (the museum itself).
(Sorry havn´t had time to upload the museum pictures)
Tomarrow we have the "hike" then the Spa trip.
I have finished uploading all the pictures from the Córdoba trip.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Argentinians Become Vegitarians
Okay so for the explanation on the title of my blog:
Or so it is begging to look like it. Because of the problems with the farmers and the government, there is no milk in the stores and meet is becoming hard to get or it is very expensive.
I have to be brief on this blog, so the Condor information will have to wait for a later blog.
In about 2 weeks I will have finished the Baylor in Argentina program, and will be on my own as an exchange student in Argentina, therefore, I do not have any plans made for the weekends as I have had in the past. Therefore I have come up with several ideas of things to do on the weekends and will list a few below. but which should I do on which weekend? Well that is up to you! You decide where I will travel on the weekends!
Weekend Options:
- Visit all of Mendoza´s Plazas (1-2 Days)
- Wine Tour - Several wineries across a couple of days
- The Extreme Adventure - can´t really tell you what this is, but I think it is extreme...
- Visit the Serpentario (Snakes)
- Go Whitewater rafting
- Church tour in Mendoza
- Church tour in surrounding towns
- For a whole day travel on the Mendozian buses from one to another and keeping a journal for the day (more details later)
- Climb Aconcagua (Don´t pick this one, I can´t do it anyways :( )
- Stay at a winery for a couple days (tour, stay, eat, etc.)
- Visit El Palmar National Park in Entre Rios province (long trip)
- Ischigualasto Provincial Park in San Juan Province (easier trip)
- Valdés Peninsula in Chubut Province near the city of Puerto Madryn (medium trip)
- The 7 Lakes Route (unsure of trip duration) http://www.welcomeargentina.com/paseos/sietelagos_sma/index_i.html
- Perito Moreno Glacier (Very Long Trip - would require a plane trip) would really like to do this one, but I will probably save it till right before I return home.
- A trip to Ushuaia and the Beagle Canal and to watch the Penguins. This is the world´s 2nd southernmost city. (Very Very Long trip, this would also require a plane).
Time for me to go, next post will likely be next Sunday or Monday.
I have also been steadily uploading Córdoba pictures. So you might want to take a look at them. I have also made updates to my http://www.msbaylor.com website which now includes a calendar that reflects what I am doing in Argentina. I can be found a http://calendar.msbaylor.com.
As always: photos : videos : website
Also here is a quick video tour of the hostel that we stayed in, in Córdoba.
Sorry for the shakiness.
Monday, June 16, 2008
*Buzzer Sounds*
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day 2 in Córdoba
after that, it wasn´t all that great. We got back around 8pm, So most of the time we were driving around. We then headed to the Supermercado, which was very hard to find due to the fact that everthing but like 4 places were open today(el Supermercado, la Pizzaria, McDonalds, & el cine), since it was Father´s Day (Feliz día del Padre!) and we grapped a pizza. The pizzas here are a bit dirrefent and in most cases have ham on them.
Para mañana, nosotros vamos a ir en el tour de la ciudad. Estan bien? Tomarrow we are going to go through the city and basically do a self tour. Hopefully I will be able to do my "special activity" we shall see... I probably will not be able to post till Tuesday, so, Ciao! Ciao!
Pictures from today:
Where we had lunch....
P.S. The girls I´ve come with are horribly negative and it´s driving me nutters, so tomarrow I am one my own...hopefully
Saturday, June 14, 2008
First Day in Córdoba City, Córdoba, Argentina
Tomarrow we have an excursion in the country which will most likely last all day. On Monday, since it is Father´s Day weekend, there isn´t a whole lot going on; however, I am going to try to see if I can do an "Extreme activity," something I have never done before and have always wanted to do, if I get to do it, you will know all about it right here at Matt in Argentina Central :) I got very lucky, the Hostel we are staying at has an internet connected computer which allows me to right this blog and upload pics. Here are a few more pics I took today (there are more in the Córdoba folder on my picture webpage):
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Soy Infermo
I finally got some medicine today, so hopefully I´ll begin to get better.
Yesterday we wen to the zoo here in Mendoza. It is located in west Mendoza at the base of the mountains, so it begins to overlook the city.
I took a lot of video, some of which are posted throughout this blog.
We met a horde or "wild" monkeys within the zoo, and apparently they were hungry...
Another monkey video...see if you can tell what went on in the video...
The Condor (bird) stands for a a lot here in Mendoza, I´ll explain why in my next post.
My next post should be on Tues night, so readable by Wed ;)
PS I have posted several more videos on my video page.
Sorry to be brief its late, and I didn´t have too much time to type...till next time :)
P.S. Michael, you made a good choice of picking Spanish class you did. I don´t recommend taken it at Baylor, well maybe in Argentina...
Señor Venegas does a great job of teaching the culture in Mexico, take it to heart. I was bummed when I realized I could not go to Mexico, because I had learned so much about the culture in his class.
I just realized your class won´t be able to do the Día de los Muertos project, bummer...
Take Care.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Week 4 Into Winter
Yesterday we went to a fùtbol game (soccer game), let´s just say there is nothing like a fùtbol game in the states
Yesterday after the game I took a remis (like a Taxi but safer) with two other girls and they told
their addresses first and he replied in English (which usually make me
laugh, because they know you can´t speak their language :/ ). I then I had to explain (I did it in Spanish) exactly where I lived, since he did not know where the street was. He replied to me in English "You speak Spanish very well, you said everything perfectly. Ah, finally, recognition for the language, I am finally doing something right! We then talked about the Argentina national soccer team playing the US team and how we tied them 0 to 0. It was quite nice to finally have a conversation in Spanish that I could do.
Last week an Argentinian jet showed up on the Peotanal (a no motor vehicle street in the center of the city). Just thought it was random, you never know what might show up...
Everyone was asking each other why it was there and where it came from and when it appeared...no one knew...
When I was going to school at Victoria College, I had a Spanish professor, Señor Venegas. I must say all hose weeks he spent drilling the alphabet and the pronouciation of the letters into us (ah the days...) was quite helpful. I might not be able to speak the language off the cuff, but I sure can pronounce words that I read even if I have never seen the word before and it has been extremely helpful here.
We were required to have a dictionary with us for the class, it was small, nothing big, but I still have it, here in Argentina. I keep it with me at all times, and it it has saved my butt on multiple occasions (especially when telling my host mother what I did at school). Those of you who are reading this in his class, hold on to it. Trust me, you don´t want to be walking around with huge book that is bright orange or yellow and screams "I am a tourist." Which you might be, but hey, if you can pronounce their words, what does it matter :D
This coming weekend is a 3 day weekend. Myself and 3 others are traveling to Córdoba city , for the weekend. I´ll update more on Thursday and of course on martes o miecoles.
A bit about Mendoza:
Mendoza´s motto
-La Tierra del Sol y Bueno Vino (The land of Sun and Good Wine)
Here in the city we have these massively large gutters. They funnel the water that comes from the mountains (after the snow melts) into the city. There are water gates everywhere. Each day someone goes out and opens one of the gates flooding a certain section, then the next day, the same happens further up and closes the previous gate, and so on. Here water means ¨Life¨and is very important to Mendocinos. So why I am I telling you this? I do not really know, it just came to mind on my bus ride home. However, I did fall in one onetime trying to straddle it. They are very deep (3-4 feet), so yes, I felt like an idiot...