Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Beginning of the End

So today I had my written final, tomorrow I have my oral exam. After that the other two girls that are in my class will be leaving and I will be the only one that will remain. I have 2 weeks left here...2 WEEKS!!! Time has literally flown by. On that note, I have filled my weekend with all sorts of things. I will send out a newsletter on Monday letting you know what I did, mind you, it will be interesting. Remember my mention of the extreme activity I spoke of a while back that I wanted to do??? Well I am doing it this Friday :D
I am in the final stages of preparing my final week in Argentina and where I will be traveling. After spending long (really long) hours at the travel agency, I have finally decide on my destination....Puerto Iguazú and Iguazu Waterfalls! The bus ride is going to be excruciating....34 hours on a bus, I am not sure how I am going to deal with it. I hope to completely square away my bus plans tomorrow. But I think I will be in the nicest seat possible offered for the trip...hopefully. I have looked into staying at a hostel while I am in Puerto Iguazú and it looks like its only going to cost me no more than $15 USD per night!

On a completly different note, I have been uploading pictures rrecently. If you visit the photos, you will notice that some of them have "- C" after the album name, this means that the album is complete and that no more pictures will be added to the site.

More updates to come, stay tuned in...

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