Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 2 in Córdoba

We had an excursion at 9am this morning. We were told that it would be a hike along a river and stop in small town along the way. However, there must have been some confusion, because we took a van throught the mountain and stopped at a few places. The first place was a coffee shop, which was very nice, but

after that, it wasn´t all that great. We got back around 8pm, So most of the time we were driving around. We then headed to the Supermercado, which was very hard to find due to the fact that everthing but like 4 places were open today(el Supermercado, la Pizzaria, McDonalds, & el cine), since it was Father´s Day (Feliz día del Padre!) and we grapped a pizza. The pizzas here are a bit dirrefent and in most cases have ham on them.

Para mañana, nosotros vamos a ir en el tour de la ciudad. Estan bien? Tomarrow we are going to go through the city and basically do a self tour. Hopefully I will be able to do my "special activity" we shall see... I probably will not be able to post till Tuesday, so, Ciao! Ciao!

Pictures from today:

Some look-out point.

Where we had lunch....

P.S. The girls I´ve come with are horribly negative and it´s driving me nutters, so tomarrow I am one my own...hopefully

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