There are some that are erroneous and need to be deleted, I will be doing this very soon. Over the next few days I will continue to re-upload photos that need correcting (crooked, spots, etc, on the photos.). If you find a photo that you want, but there is some type of spot or it's crooked, then tell me the album name and photo number, so I can correct it before the others. Prints can be ordered straight off the site (I am not making money, they start at $0.20 each). All the albums are completely uploaded except for a few from which I will be uploading to over time, which includes the panoramas album and the HDR images. The "other camera" album are the photos taken from Samya's (unsure of the spelling, please correct me) camera. If you wish to download a whole bunch or an album(s), please e-mail me so I can give them to you by other means.
The pictures are free to download, however, I ask that if you decide to post them somewhere, that you let me know or give credit, it's just nice to know where things end up.
The web address is:
Password: e-mail me if you do not know.
Let me know if you have any questions.